This year, Lee Gardens Association teams up with Hysan and JupYeah again, to present the clothing swap party in our Lee Gardens community!Share and swap the quality second-hand clothes for this Summer.
All proceeds from workshops in the event would be donated to Teen’s Key Hong Kong, the young women-led charitable institution, in the hope of enabling recipients to fulfil their potential.
Lee Gardens SWAPARTY!
Lee Gardens Crafty! Workshops
Don’t miss our series of charity workshops*! Upcycle your old clothes and support the young women-led charitable institution, Teen’s Key Hong Kong!
*All workshops will be conducted in Cantonese.

Zokin Towel Hand-sewing Workshop
The cultural origins of ‘zokin’ rag towels date back to the times in Japan when textiles were precious as gold. Challenged by the circumstances, people back then would hand-sew rags into cleaning cloths that referenced the ‘boro’ aesthetic.
To this day, young students in Japan still have to bring their cleaning cloth to school. Though these towels can be easily bought, some parents will also sew heavily used and worn towels as cleaning cloths.
Learn the basic steps to give new life to worn clothes and towels. Participants should bring their old T-shirt and a piece of worn towel. Our instructor will provide other tools.
This workshop is suitable for participants aged 12 or above.
Workshop collaborator: JupYeah

Mend Your Clothes with Basic Sewing Techniques
Learn beginner-level techniques to repair clothing with basic techniques such as hand-stitched patches and embroideries to mend a hole or to ornate your favourite shirt. Participants should bring a piece of clothing that needs mending. Our instructor will provide other tools.
This workshop is suitable for participants aged 12 or above.
Workshop collaborator: JupYeah

Upcycled Cup Sleeve Workshop
Turn your old clothes into something new as our instructor guides you to finger-crochet an old jersey t-shirt into a practical cup sleeve. After this beginners’ workshop, you will be amazed at how easy it is to make something reusable – just with your fingers. Participants should bring an old t-shirt. Our instructor will provide other tools.
This workshop is suitable for participants aged 12 or above.
Workshop collaborator: JupYeah

Upcycled Buttercup Handbag Workshop
Upcycle with your old clothes and turn into a small buttercup coin bag by hand-sewing. Through the workshop, participants can learn sewing skills and cherishing their own clothes to reduce waste.
Workshop collaborator: a break 93 x Little Twinkle
Lee Gardens Association
Jup Yeah
Supporting Partner:
Hysan Development